How to say and pronounce 'You're not alone' in Persian

How to say and pronounce 'You're not alone' in Persian

 Salām Salām! 🌞

🗣 Let's start with pronunciation:

🦉 Dig Deeper: Insights for the Curious

Let's break this sentence down, word by word!

to: This is the pronoun for "you" in Persian.

tanhā: Meaning "alone." Fun fact: I avoid calling "ā" a "long* a" because it can mislead learners to think it lasts longer. It’s just "ā," like in "car"!

*Be careful not to think of ā as having a longer duration. It’s pronounced just like the "a" in car, but it’s not stretched out more than a short vowel—simply pronounced differently. (+ read more here).

nisti: Means "aren’t" or "are not" (2nd person singular). Want a full conjugation chart? Check out the complete table below:

Transcription (spoken) Persian (written) English (translation)
Nistam نیستم I am not
Nisti نیستی You are not
Nist نیست He/She/It is not
Nistim نیستیم We are not
Nistin نیستید You all are not
Nistan نیستند They are not

📝 Exercise: Practice Using New Words!

  1. Man emshab ________ nistam.
    (I'm not alone tonight.)
    a. mehraboon
    b. tanhā
    c. ādam

  2. _To tanhā __________.
    (You're not alone.)
    a. nistin
    b. nistam
    c. nisti

Answer Key:

  1. b. tanhā
  2. c. nisti

New Words Recap:
ādam (human) | mehraboon (kind) | emshab (tonight)


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